Prologue: Chengdu, China

September 14

It was almost one whole year past since my last visit to the city or Chengdu, China. With lots of stuff going on all these while, been giving myself too many excuses for not updating new post to this blog :).

Well as for this round (my trip to Chengdu), it was kind of different to the rest of my previous trips though; mainly because I was traveling with a new travel partner - my elder cousin brother, Seiton. I can still recall that the first time I traveled with my cousin was 18 years ago. Back then, I was a 10 years old kid. My cousin was traveling west to the capital (Kuala Lumpur) for during his school break. That was the first time with my parent's permission, I was traveling west together with him and that marked our very first trip traveled together (I can still remember every detail of the trip bro!).

And now 18 years later, we planned another trip together and this time our destination was Chengdu. Reason behind that we chosen Chengdu was that we were looking for a trip with more exploration rather than sight seeing in the city. We were not paired together for the whole journey of this trip but rather half of it. My cousin joined me for the first half of the trip (5 days) and I was traveling alone after that. Our planned travel itineraries included places like LeShan Buddha, ErMei Mount, DuJiangYen Dam and also the most famous travel destination in nearby Chengdu - the JiuZaiGou Park. But due to poor planning, we were hit hard by the long break holidays in China where most of the hotels were fully booked. Tours to some of the places mentioned were fully booked and that hit hard on our planned itinerary though. Well, I guess I better keep those details to coming new posts.

Just to mark the start of my coming new posts, here I present to you the picture of the famous LeShan Buddha as the entry to my coming blog posts about my trip to Chengdu.

Welcome to Chengdu!